There Will Be No New Pixar Movie in 2014

The LA times are saying that Disney has moved the next Pixar film, The Good Dinosaur, to arrive in November 25, 2015. The original date the film was slated for was May 30, 2014. The reason reported on why they have pushed back the release so far is due to the departure of the film's director, Bob Peterson. Other people who have worked on Pixar films in the past have now taken over the project. 

Pixar will now be releasing two movies in the already very crowded 2015, with Inside out arriving on June 19, 2015,  and then The Good Dinosaur following in November. Due to the push of this movie date, Disney has also pushed the release date of Finding Dory to June 17, 2016. Another release day that had changes as well is Disney's Maleficent 3D moving from July 2 to now May 30, 2014, taking the spot that the Pixar film originally had.  

It will be weird not to had a Pixar film for one year, but maybe they can make use of the extra time to make a film very worthy to the Pixar name like in the past. Other animation studio must be happy to not have to compete with a Pixar film for summer or for the academy. 

Source: LA Times


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