Agent Carter Season 2 Episode 3 Better Angels TV Review

Wilkes is saved from Stark!

I really liked seeing Stark in this episode, it added a bit of fun and random to the plot especially at the men only club. The scene where Peggy plants the bugs in the room was very well done, and it was intense seeing her trying to escape.

I thought that Wilkes after effect from the Zero Matter was interesting. It seemed like it was a power he had but because Stark seemed to have fixed his problem. On the other side, Ms. Frost seems to have lost control of her effects and is too afraid to tell anyone about it in fear what would happen to her. 

The whole time I am just thinking...Go to Stark! But I don't even think her character knows about him or even knows who he is. It is going to be interesting seeing how her power will affect her life and the others around her.

Thinking back, this was more of a catch up kind of episode, nothing really new happened just establishing what we already know, but helping out a character while seeing another become more and more absorbed by the Zero Matter. 



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