Agent Carter Season 2 Episode 4 Smoke & Mirrors TV Review

A glimpse at Agent Carters & Ms. Frosts pasts!
This episode was interesting as we had a chance to see a few events of the past of both characters. I found Frost to be the more interesting of the two it is shown that she actually has a brilliant mind that not many know about. Peggy's backstory focuses on how she eventually become involved with Special forces. At the time she has to leave behind her fiance and her old life behind in order to make a life changing decision.
Peggy and Jarvis kidnap Hunt to interrogate him for information. She uses a special formula created by Stark that gives people the common cold very quickly. He tells them everything he knew and they even pretend to let him escape because they know he will return to Chadwick and Frost.
It was a good episode, even better, giving us backstory to these characters that could help make their actions more impact in the story. Its going to be interesting next week now seeing that Frost has control of her powers.
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