Things I Want To See In Star Wars Rebels Season 2

The Start of the Rebellion

The first season of rebels was really focused on the main characters, and for a show called rebels, there weren't that much of a rebel alliance in the show. There were off comments about other factions and even running into some people who will be an asset in the future there wasn't much focus on the rebellion at all.

Now we have most recently been introduced to key players in the rebellion including the return of Asoka Tana, but we need a sense of united work going on.  

Where Are We Going?

Other than the finale and certain special episode the majority of the time everything going on was either random or just stumbled upon. 

Its fine to have filler episode and character building episode, but the overall story should have a goal or a sense of destination.

This kinda goes back to my first point of there being the start of the rebellion, the best shows ever made always had a goal and when there isn't a goal in mind, you end up overstaying your welcome.  

Closing off Connection with The Clone Wars (wrapping up their story)

Now we all know that The Clone Wars Series was cut short when Disney bought Star Wars and some of those characters have come aboard Rebels, but it is time to start wrapping up their stories so we won't be held back.

Yes that includes the newly returning characters coming up in season 2 as well as the ones in season 1 and other characters who didn't get a proper send off from The Clone Wars.

Its not that they are bad or anything but if we are going to get closer and closer to the original trilogy you have to start transferring over and its better to give these characters a good send off than to leave them left of mystery. 

Explanation of what the Inquisitors Are?

There are a lot of mystery on who or what inquisitors are and if there is even more than just one. At the moment we don't know if there are more out there or if even the one we know is still alive in some way shape or form.

Season 2 would be a great opportunity to dive into the mystery of the character and the status of what is an Inquisitor.

New worlds

Star Wars has always had great worlds and because this is a television show, I would like to see them expand to more new worlds mostly because they aren't constricted to the worlds shown in the films.

Going Down Their Own Path

Because the characters aren't involved at all in the original trilogy, It would be smart to take them in their own direction not connected with those films.

Of course you can have them involved with the beginning of the rebellion but once the more they do get involved the more questions will arise.


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