Marvel Rumored to be Prepping Five New Shows for Cable and VOD

Marvel is looking to expand their already 'massive universe' they created by prepping a new collection of content for cable and VOD services. Deadline is reporting that Marvel is creating several new shows based on their properties to take play on possibly Netflix as on massive 60-episode package. The content will be made up of four series, with 13 episodes each and on mini series with less episodes. This is definite a lot of content that Marvel is releasing with an already built-in audience. 

As of right now, Marvel has not said anything on the story right now, and in terms of what new properties the shows will be about is a mystery as well. The already rumored Agent Carter spin off could be one of these series, but right now anything can be possible. One thing for sure, Marvel is definitely ahead of its competitors in film and now already in television with their release of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. I am curious to see what new properties that are in the works for Marvels. I hope they could also find a way to start incorporating the new characters into the movies as well. 

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