Thor 2 will be grittier than it’s predecessor

The Game of Thrones helmer Alan Taylor, is taking a different approach to what the world of Asgard with much more grittier aspects.

Here’s Taylor on the look of Thor 2 and why he took on the project:
“I love doing period stuff, and I was immersed in Game Of Thrones. I was lucky that Marvel seemed to have an appetite for that this time. They’d consciously steered away from that kind of thing in the first one. Because they wanted to make sure they were distinguishing themselves from Lord Of The Rings. They didn’t want to be mistaken for that. But by the time I came along it seemed like they were ready to embrace a slightly more historical attitude towards it.
“In my mind this is an ancient, ancient culture that highly reveres the horse and the culture of the horse. We still use fountain pens because we think they’re really cool – it’s not like we all use laser pens. So I think there’s a living culture that keeps these things. To me the defining thing was that Thor is a superhero amongst many superheroes, but the thing that makes him different is the thing that should be featured in the movie. And that is that he’s also a warrior prince from ancient culture.”
What do you think? The more I hear the more I look forward to this next installment. 

Source: SFX


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