J.J. Abrams talks Star Wars: Episode VII

We haven't hear much from J.J. Abrams since his announced that he was involved with Star Wars: Episode VII until recently when he broke some news about the film in an interview with EW.

“It’s been nice seeing how important [Star Wars] is and to be reminded how important it is to so many people,” begins Abrams, with something approaching the understatement of the year.

“We all know that [George Lucas'] dream has become almost a religion to some people. I remember reading a thing somewhere, someone wrote about just wanting [the new film] to feel real; to feel authentic.

“I remember I felt that way when I was 11 years old when I saw the first one. As much of a fairy tale as it was, it felt real. And to me, that is exactly right.”

“I would say we are working really hard to make a movie that feels as emotional and authentic and exciting as possible,” says the director. “Whatever your favorite Star Wars movie is and how to compare it is really sort of subjective.”

Its is nice to know as to what degree he will take on the film as, but it still doesn't tell anyone much about the plot of the film, other than the more realistic feel it will have. 

Star Wars: Episode VII is to hit theater in 2015.

Source: EW


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