House of Cards Season 5 Review

I still watch this show, but I can't help but feel like it peaked in season 2. Maybe because I feel like the premise of this show wasn't meant to last this long. In most cases I feel like the 5th season of a show is a perfect time to wrap everything up leaving for a satisfying conclusion. The problem is that by the 5th season of a show, the popularity is usually at its highest point. When in most cases its only natural to continue the show forward until the popularity dies out. I say that because I don't want to see that happen to this show. If the next season isn't the finally, I don't know if I will be able to continue watching it forward. 

As for season 5, I thought it was by far the most safest season yet. Sometimes that can be good but in this case it left me actually getting bored around the midpoint. I think that it can be both a positive and a negative for my overall thoughts to the season. Thinking back I can't really remember anything from this season that was memorable. Something that all previous season had, even if it was just one moment that defined the season. 

I guess I could some up this season as the "cutting loose ends" season. With the majority of the season focusing on the election and the second half removing all traces of the corruptness that still wasn't tied up. Leading to an ending that I'm not so sure leaves me excited to see what happens next. In many ways I was looking forward to see when everything comes crashing down for all the actions the Underwoods have made in the past. The way events turn out though, it looks like it might be all a slap on the wrist, for the most part. 

I'm still going to stick with this show for at least one more season. But I can't say that I am all that excited for it like I was with this season. If anything i would like to see more things at stake or at least portray it that way. We will have to wait and see. 



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