Paranoia Agent TV Review

Paranoia Agent is by far one of the weirdest anime shows I've watched. In many ways its also one of the most genius as well. Putting so much focus on the characters and really exploring them and their backstories but more importantly their problems. Each one is unique and each story of their always leaves you with a different perspective of them by the end. As every episode continues everything in the worlds gets more and more crazy and weird as you get closer to the ending. 

The story starts off pretty straight forward. As two detectives investigate a string of attacks all caused by a boy with a golden bat. The strange thing about all these attacks is that all the victims are all related to each other. More and more victims appear as the detectives get closer and closer the person behind these attacks.

The animation had a more realistic feel to it making you see people and not animated characters. This is a trope of Satoshi Kon at this point and always elevates his works. I wouldn't say this is my favorite story of his but this I can't say I've seen as much work put into any other anime I've seen. From the quality to the consistently there really no other show quite like it.



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