Star Wars Rebels Season 2 Episode 20 The Mystery of Chopper Base TV Review

The Rebels fight off alien creatures to keep their new base protected!

Even though they have a new base that is hidden from the Empire, the rebels are still having trouble keeping their ground from the planets own hosts. Sabine and Rex are sent out to go search for a crew member that disappeared the previous night and was capture by these spider like creatures that live on the planet. But while searching, Rex ends up getting captured himself and Sabine calls in backup! The rest of the group show up and explore this cave where the creatures are hold Rex. Hera has Kanon and Ezra go their own route because she wants the group to get used to not having their help. Its clear she doesn't want this to happened but knows it is for the better.

It goes smoothly as they retrieve Rex but it does come at the cost of having every creature in the cave after them! The Phantom gets stuck from the webs and the group have to find a away to remove them without getting captured. Sabine uses a signal that keeps the creatures away and brings it over so Ezra and Kanon break the ship free from webs. This idea leads to them establishing these signals as a border to protect their base from the creatures. Now what is left is for Ezra, Kanon, and Ahsoka to leave the group behind to protect them from the Inquisitors, leading to the finale of this Season of Star Wars Rebels.

The running theme that Hera is worried about Kanon and Ezra going separate away from them is interesting as we, along with Hera don't know the fate of the Jedi remnants especially now that Vader will be involved. Its clear that there is some romantic connection between her and Kanon but it is kept to nice subtlety. Ezra has become a much better Jedi in his fighting skills as he is able to tie with Kanon at almost every fight. There is still the one draw back of him not being patient enough to not quickly be taken over. Something that was shown during his training.

I thought this was a good episode of Rebels, but I didn't think we needed to have this adventure that took place for the majority of the runtime. This could've been better if it was a smaller more intimate episode just focuses on the group and how they are handling the situation they are in. Even better to address how Kanon and Ezra are going to have to take on the Inquisitors now without any back up, anything like that would've have been this episode great and even make me look forward to the finale which is coming right up soon.

The next episode we get will be the season finale of Rebels and I can't wait to see what happens next! I am thinking... Vader Vs. Ahsoka!



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