Favorite Movies of 2015

Today is the last day of 2015 and this year had a solid number of great films over the course of the year that will be remembered as some of the best movie experience I had. There were however a number of films that really stood out to me this year, whether is be through being creative, bringing back something old and using it as new, or just being a great story in general. Also links to the reviews of each film will be linked up each movie, check out the reviews there!
I was originally not that interested in this movie because it felt like a spin off just to cash in on Nostalgia like most summer blockbusters. It wasn't until i did research and found out the backstory on how this movie was made. It quickly became my most anticipated movie of the year and I even watched all the Rocky films leading up to this one. This movie handles Nostalgia and past character great and even tells its own story with familiarity to the original film.

When Marnie Was There
This just might very well be Studio Ghibli's last film and for the way they left off was a good one because this is one of the best movies every made by them. It take a mature story and theme and tells it in a great way. This is also one of the best looking animated movies I've ever seen. If you want to see a less fantastical Studio Ghibli film that legitimately tells a grounded story this is the one to check out!
Brie Larson & Jacob Tremblay give the two best performances of the year playing a mother and son trapped in a room and how they face the world after leaving that room. It is an intense emotional experience that will definitely be the most memorable film of this past year. I hope that this movie will get recognized during Oscar season and receives the awards it deserves.
Movie Review Here

Mad Mad: Fury Road
The biggest surprise of the year! Mad Mad returns to the old style of film making and makes it feel new again. It takes a very simple story and makes it fun and about the journey, while at the same time reviving an older franchise that you would least expect it from. This is a great action film with some of the best looking action scenes that I can remember. If you haven't seen Mad Max...Why haven't You?

The Last: Naruto the Movie
The first movie I've ever seen that felt like it was made just for me. With ten years of build up to something I thought I would never get to see in this story. Being by far the best Naruto film that I have seen so far, with a very well done romance and great action that includes all the characters that I come to know and like over the years of watching this show. This is a great end to a character youth and leads in perfect for where the character will next.
Plenty of more reviews and movies I plan on seeing for 2016, I will try to get the most out I can and see as many movies that I can. I am always looking for something new to watch especially in genres and mediums that I haven't dived much into. Fill free to keep up with the blog and see what comes in the future and even a expansion of my Youtube channels (Digital2film & What's Anime).
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