We May Never See The End of Naruto in Anime Form and Here’s Why

Naruto Ninja Storm 4 is coming to the consoles in just a couple of weeks. Tons of new gameplay footage has been released on Youtube and while I am excited for the game there is one key thought that keeps coming up whenever I see something new from this game. I mean, there are plenty of cool things to see already. From the new characters, to the large battles, to even the canon stories plot points. Speaking of the canon plot points… WHY AM I HAVING TO PLAY THE SPINOFF VIDEO GAME JUST TO SEE THE ENDING ANIMATED AND VOICE ACTED?!?
So now that you know why you’re here, lets talk about why we are probably never going to see Naruto Shippuden ever reach the ending of the show.

Filler, Fillers, and More Fillers!!!
We are getting both Itachi and Kaguya fillers this year with little to no room for the Canon episode to show up. Last year in 2015 there were only a total of 8 canon episode of Shippuden in the entire year. I only have a feeling that this will occur again this year.
An announcement for an Itachi filler came to a surprise to people, mostly because everyone thought it was going to be a spin off separate series from the anime. It is still unclear but from what it is sounding like its going to be just a filler in the anime. Was this a mishandled misstep? We will have to see.
If you have caught up to the show at this point you would know that the anime is still in the infinite tsukuyomi filler arc that has been the main focus of the show since September. I can only hope that there won't be more fillers in 2017, but knowing how this studio has handled the series, there could easily be more filler.

We Will Have Moved On…
A lot can happen in a year, and the more time move on, we move on. By the time we get back to the finale of the show we will have moved on to something else. Whether it be a new popular anime, or just from forgetful memory. Most people I have seen mention the Naruto anime always respond with a "Oh that is still going on? I thought the manga ended like 2 years ago."
We are already getting a brand new Boruto manga that will continue the story of the Naruto world, most fans will have put their focus on this new story with these new characters because the old ones has moved on. Their stories are over for most people and the story of Naruto is over for many others.
Since the end of the manga we have had two movies that have taken place post the manga and have moved the characters we all know along to a much mature state, where they have passed the torch to the next generation in the latest Boruto: Naruto the movie.

Gotta Milk It Till It Got No More Left
It is very clear that Studio Perriot is planing to milk Naruto for as long as they can still sell anything from the brand. Even at the cost of delay the shows end in order to extend its life, they will keep it going and never end it. Naruto is one of the most popular anime and manga franchises in the world, it makes sense for them to do so much with it. But there comes a point where you need to follow the source material to keep the fans happy.
Its fine if the anime ended and then they decided to do spin offs and side stories and other filler like material to extend the life. At that point it will have kept the main original series alone and undamaged from poor quality. Unfortunately we are at this point where the video game adaptation of the Naruto story is finishing off everything I have wanted to see from the end of the anime in video game form.
At least there is that...
So will we see the end of the Naruto anime? Yeah we will. You might have to wait a year and a half from this point to actually see it, but you will get it. All that I and fans can hope for is that they deliver the best Naruto quality that we've ever seen, something that can make current fans, non fans, and fans who have moved on from the show a reason to come back to the anime. Some of the biggest fights from the manga are upcoming and doing them justice is a must on the studio's part.
At least there is that...
So will we see the end of the Naruto anime? Yeah we will. You might have to wait a year and a half from this point to actually see it, but you will get it. All that I and fans can hope for is that they deliver the best Naruto quality that we've ever seen, something that can make current fans, non fans, and fans who have moved on from the show a reason to come back to the anime. Some of the biggest fights from the manga are upcoming and doing them justice is a must on the studio's part.
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