The X-Files (Miniseries) Episode 2 Founder's Mutation TV Review

Review of episode 1
When this was announced as a miniseries, I didn't expect the season to go back to the old style of the previous season of presenting each episode as a different case. I was hoping they would change it up a bit by having this season be focused on one single plot, similar like one long movie split into 6 episodes. That's not the case here, which is fine because The X-Files is what made it unique and was what really made the show in the 90s so it is fine that they did it here.
This episode starts off when a researcher, Dr. Sanjay arrives at work with the problem of hearing this weird high pitch noise that keeps bothering him. The pitch get so bad that it leads to Sanjay having to commit suicide just to stop the pitch from happening. For some reason, the X-Files are called into place to investigate this case. I only say that, because other based on the circumstances this would just be a normal police investigation. Now what this investigations leads too makes sense that the were brought in, but in the beginning it just didn't add up so well, even there being a off comment from Scully that this isn't a case for them.
The most interesting part of the episode was the alternative universe timeline flashbacks of their child. Both visions all lead up to a secret door that can reveal a mystery that we don't know about yet. It is heavily implied that their child was part alien or was transforming into an alien as it was shown. Whether this was just dreams or actually visions of an alternate timeline that they never experienced yet. My memory isn't all that good on the later seasons of the show, but I think the reminiscing of their son William was sorta of unnecessary in the context of this miniseries.
This was a good episode, but didn't do anything to make it really memorable or stand out. Just the standard X-Files episode. I like the element of the kids having superpowers, but it wasn't until the very end of the episode that they showed up. If there was more of them, or the episode focused a bit more of them I think this could've been a lot more interesting then it was.
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