Star Wars Rebels Season 2 Episode 10 The Future of the Force TV Review

The Inquisitors are back this week! Attack a transport ship of people and look for a specific person they want.
Ahsoka meets up with Kanon and tells him about the Inquisitors and their targets. She brings Kanon, Ezra & Zeb along for this mission to investigate and get supplies before the Inquisitors get to it first. They split up with Zeb taking Chopper to see if the Inquisitors have arrived yet and Kanon and Ezra to go look for what the Inquisitors are after. Ahsoka investigates the aftermath of transport ship and the mother of the child that was taken tells Ahsoka what happened.
Zeb encounters a probe and shoots it down, and checks the ship only to find a small baby inside of it. Kanon and Ezra go to the housing only to find it ransacked, most likely from the Inquisitors. Another mother tells Ezra and Kanon about her child being taken to safety by a droid to protect them from the Inquisitor. Zeb goes after the droid that has the baby and saves it but is not to far ahead from the inquisitors.
Kanon and Ezra go after Zeb but has to get in as quickly as they can as to not get caught. They find Zeb and the baby and try to best to calm it down so it doesn't make any noise. It of course doesn't work and they escape through the ceiling and work their way up to escape. Kanon comes up with a plan to split up so he can try to by some time and stop the Inquisitors whiles Ezra escapes. The babies being taken are force sensitive or at least have the potential to be a Jedi in the future.
Kanon and Zeb show up and fight the Inquisitors right as Ezra escapes the building but is being followed and watched by a probe. They escape through the window and land on a speeder. This begins a speeder chase with the Inquisitors closing in on them and even taking out one of the engines with his lightsaber. The group is cornered and they cannot get inside of the shuttle bay. Ezra is knocked out and right as the Inquisitor go to get the child Ahsoka shows up and takes on the Inquisitors on her own. She takes down one of the Inquisitors pretty easily but ends up getting surround by troopers. She then jumps onto the ship with the rest of the group and escapes.
The one problem is, that the probe from before tells the Inquisitors the exact planet the the group is headed to next, leaving the episode on a cliffhanger.
I did like the ideas and the concepts in this episode, especially since this is something we haven't seen before. People that are force sensitive that aren't Jedi or Sith or even know they have it is something that I have always wanted to see and was even hoping for the new Trilogy of films to address. But they found a way to bring it here nicely and the work well in the context of the show.
This episode did have its dark moments, really making the Inquisitors feel evil and threatening. The fact that they are after babies to do who knows what with them is quite frightening on its own. We assume its to possibly turn them into future Inquisitors but knowing how things were played out in Revenge of the Sith that is also unlikely.
The person who really shines is Ahsoka who takes out both Inquisitors and really feels like an improvement from The Clone Wars. You can tell that she have honed in on her abilities, and you can really see her as a Jedi knight. The way this cliffhanger was really makes me look forward to seeing what it going to happen in the coming episodes of the show. I have a feeling big things will be happening as we get toward the mid-season finale.
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