Seven Psychopaths Review

   Seven Psychopaths is a film that requires an acquired taste. Specifically to people who like Quentin Tarantino film, which if you do, you’ll love this film! To those who aren’t will be left scratching their heads for the entirety of this film at all of the senseless violence and pointless obscenities. But if you like me, then you will understand why I enjoyed this film so much.
   The story it self plays out as essentially, a movie within a movie. The screenplay it self I found to be very original and funny in its dialogue  which is one of the movie’s strengths. There were plenty of laugh out loud moments between the characters, something I can give appreciation to the actors of this movie. The two stand outs and funniest actors of the film are Sam Rockwell and Christopher Walken. They both were what I thought to carry the movie along and both had plenty of hilarious moments. 
   Not many films have this feel to it, and its good to see other people giving it a try. I don’t think this is a film for everyone but nonetheless I really enjoyed the film as it very much entertained me and was a fun, interesting, and strange ride to go on.


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