Agent Carter Season 2 Episode 2 A View in the Dark TV Review

We focus a lot on Peggy and Wilkes this episode as they go out on a night of adventure. First starting out on a date at a jazz club then to going to Griffith Observatory to look at the effects of Zero matter. to the Matter exploding inside the Isodyne facility.
Wilkes wants to help out Peggy with her investigation, he tells her about Isodyne and their success with the replication of the Manhattan Project which lead to the discovery of the Zero Matter. In order to steal it, they break into Isodyne but are confronted by agents. Wilkes takes the Zero Matter but is confronted by Frost who wants to steal it for herself. In the conflict they both drop the glass that contains the matter and the reactions begins. This leads to an explosion inside of the facility as Peggy makes her way inside to see if Wilkes had got out in time.
The episode ends with Peggy thinking that Wilkes died in the explosion and goes home to process all the events that had happened to her. Meanwhile we see that the Zero matter is effecting someone who was near it and it could lead to trouble in the next coming episode.
I didn't expect to see Wilkes turn sides to quickly, when the last episode exposed that he was apart of the group that had the Zero Matter I thought it would have dragged on much longer than it needed to. It was other nice seeing some popular LA locations like the Observatory and using that to tell the story. Even setting up the romance to Peggy and Wilkes was done very well too. We didn't get much from the villains, but I think they will be having to use a new weapon now that the Zero Matter has essentially destroyed it self.
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