Jason Thunder: Legends (2015) Movie Review

Thanks for the FlickFanatics for letting me review this film early!
I will say that this does feel like a film sequel to possible shorts about this character because there was definitely a lot of time to building these characters back stories and the world they live in. I hope that there are more films about Jason Thunder in the future.
The films opens on a hostage situation happening in a forest, we see Honest John take out the capture and save the hostage. But as he leaves we see someone suspicious is following him.
Back at the headquarter Honest John reports back to Felix he tells him about the situation and what they are after to next. But after Honest John leaves the suspicious person following him kills Felix and leaves a note on his body. It turns out the person who killed him was The Assassin who turns out to later be working for Harvey Bone, Jason Thunder's ex villain. So Honest John pulls Jason Thunder out of retirement and they head to look for the laptops that were left by Felix. This leads them to going to see Honest John's brother, Honest Larry and them going on a journey to seek out the killer of Felix and to stop Harvey Bone.
I would say it was a bit hard to follow the intro of the film, mostly due to there being so much info thrown at us that would've been better shown to us throughout the film instead of all in the beginning. What I like most about the movie was the focus of the story, the characters always had a goal to reach so it made it easier to following what was going on. One of the things that I would say could improve next time around is the audio. For the most part it was good, but some of the scenes that involved inside had a bit much of an echo and wasn't the most clear.
Jason Thunder is a fun time and anyone should check it out if you like low budget action films.
You can check out Jason Thunder: Legends right here on the FlickFantatics Youtube!
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