Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet TV Review

Gargantia was a series that I only happened to check out because of Netflix. The very colorful artwork on the cover made me very interested to check it out.
The series starts off during a mech space battle, in which our main character, Vedo is fighting of these strange aliens in space. His mech fighter gets damaged and he ends up crashing onto an unknown planet.
He is soon awaken by people trying to break into his mech and tries to escape. He soon realizes that he is not escaping this planet for a while and ends up befriending them even though they are very cautious at first because they have never encountered another being from outside their planet.
What stands out the most from this show is the visuals more than anything else. The animations and backgrounds are very detailed, so detailed that they look infinity better than the actual characters designs. I like how there is so much depth to the design of the world specially the movie island that the majority of the show takes place in.
Ledo and Amy are by far the most interesting characters in the show. While Ledo is pretty much a complete foreigner, Amy ends up showing him this island that she lives on, getting him used to the way they live.
Towards the tale end of the show, they end up throwing a bit too much at you in terms of the way the world works and the different factions that are taking place. It just feels like a tad bit much of things going on at the same time.
Its and enjoyable show with an interesting world, and only being around 15 episodes, there isn't much to complain about.
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