Paprika (2006) Movie Review

R  |  90 min

Genre: Animation, Mystery, Sci-Fi

Writer: Seishi Minakami & Satoshi Kon

Plot: When a machine that allows therapists to enter their patients' dreams is stolen, all hell breaks loose. Only a young female therapist can stop it: Paprika.

 Paprika is Satoshi Kon's last movie, it follows a group of therapists that try to help patients who's dreams are stolen. This movie is unique in every shape and form, from the animation, the story telling, and Satoshi Kon's style. The one thing you can say after seeing this movie was that it was a visual experience that I don't think I have ever seen before. 

The animation in Paprika is fantastic, its bright and colorful and visual pleasing to watch. It also fits the tone perfectly giving everything and everything sorta of a odd look to them that can be scary at time just in the imagery. Some scenes and shot you can clearly see has influences other films like Inception.

The story of Paprika is interesting and different. I really enjoy when a film especially animated does something different and presents new ideas while having an engaging story. This movie does both and is really the backbone for what makes this film so unique. Now the plot does get a bit complicated which is expected for a film about dreams but it wasn't anything to hard to keep up with. One thing I had a hard time following was the villain and his overall motivation. Its not something that isn't explained, but I will need to give it a second viewing. 

Satoshi Kon's style is full effect here. His visual style make the entire atmosphere a dream like feel to it. Everything seems off and its hard to tell what is reality or a dream. This leads to some of the best editing I've probably seen in a film. From transitioning to another dream to little things like walking down the street.Like I said before this is really what makes this unique from anything other movies I've seen. Seeing his style used always makes a simple story feel new and different.

Overall Paprika is a visual experience and a fantastic movie. Its inspiring and creative while giving a great story. If you haven't seen this movie, this is definitely one you should check out, especially if your a fan of animation and interesting different movies.



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