Star Trek Into Darkness Analyzed Review

     The 2009 Star Trek reboot turned a franchise that I wasn't always completely on board with into one of my favorite movies, most entertaining movies I've seen in a long time. So as soon as I heard they will be making a sequel to this movie, I couldn't wait to see what they will be doing with this new universe now created.  Star Trek Into Darkness was definitely one of the movies I was looking forward to the most this summer. Before seeing Star Trek I was pretty optimistic that I was going to see a good movie.

     My assumptions of seeing a good movie were correct, but I had a problem with this film, which is similar to the problem I have with many of the summer movies this year. This problem is regarding with the second half of the movie. I can agree that the film was entertaining throughout as well the first half being very new and original to the series, making me wish the rest of the movie could continue that or at least end it where the movie felt like it end and turned into something else.

     Now to address my problem with the second half of the film. Its not that the second was bad, but it was how it looses its creativity and just becomes a retread of past Star Trek movies. The iteration of the main villain  Kahn, was one of the situations where is was a good and bad. I didn't mind that they were going to put Kahn in this movie, my only hope was that they weren't going to just reuse Kahn to be just like the Kahn from the Original Series.

     While watching the movie, I thought Kahn was used very well in the first half of the film, especially from the point and beforehand where the audience didn’t really know that who he was. Even when they did reveal that John Harrison was in fact Kahn, It didn’t bother because of the way they were handling the character. Following the events of the reveal, I liked that they were taking a different approach and how it showed that this wasn’t the same as the other universe.

     Not until the movie takes a turn a puts Kahn in essentially in the same position as the villian in Star Trek: Nemesis, a movie that was made not to long ago. This was one of the first things when I notice the direction everything was going.  As the approaches essentially, its climax, there comes a point where they do away, at least they make you think, with the character of Kahn. Up to this point of the film, I have enjoyed every part of it including the minor retread they took. Everything that happens after this point was when the film became nothing but retread and quite dull even though there is much going on.

     At this time, we see the very obvious resemblance of Wrath of Kahn which leads to what was one of the most unemotional emotional scene I have probably ever scene, and everything done in reverse. Even after the film doesn’t seem to pick up enough to stay as exciting as It did before. It became a point where the movie seemed to be much longer and to be going on much more than it should’ve been, not making it boring, but tiring.

     I will give credit to the very end of the film, where we finally see the characters at a point where they should’ve been in the beginning of the film and where the TV show takes place. It actually made me wish I could see what will happen next because the last half of the film seemed to be just stalling till this point. Overall, Star Trek Into Darkness was a good movie for what it was, which was a Summer Blockbuster, and on that aspect did deliver everything I wanted to see aside from the problems I had with the film in a Star Trek since. I still am very curious to see where they take these characters next, especially with a new director helming the next film.  I just hope that they can leave the past where it belongs instead of redoing something that worked well back then and it just laughable now. 


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