Man of Steel Review

    I finally saw one of the movies that I have certainly been waiting for and anticipating for a long time now. Even though I tried to go in without having any high expectations like others previous films I have done that with, this was one of, it not the most anticipated film I have been wanting to see all year. I grew up watching the older Richard Donner films, so watching a Superman movie without any of the old John William theme scores or Christopher Reeves as Superman did feel a pit different at first but i got over it after a while. 
   The Man of Steel for a while was thought to be a much more of a Christopher Nolan film than a Zack Synder film, and I must say it was way more of a Zack Synder film than a Christopher Nolan film. Which I actually did see as a problem to an extent. Some of the problems I did have with the movie were more toward just problems I found myself. Some of the problems I had were the lack of personality and character development I would’ve like to have seen in the film. Which is why I wish Christopher Nolan had a part in the writing process for this film, which is what I think it need most to become a much more film with depth.
   This is most definitely a summer action movie first. The visuals are fantastic and the actions scenes are very over the top, something that did lack in the older Superman film. The film does a take a different approach at the origin story of Superman and does do it differently even to feel fresh and new. That being said, the first half of this film is much stronger than the second half is. The second half has so much action that you kinda loose a lot of what you enjoyed about the first half, but it doesn’t do it so much that it ruins the movie. 
   Overall, Man of Steel is a very enjoyable film for the summer, especially if you enjoy lots of action. I would still like to see more characters from this new universe that has been created and possible cameos from other superheros in the sequels to come.


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